Your carriere works to correct any bite discrepancies.
It’s important that you wear your elastics along with your retainer at least 20 hours per day.
Brush a minimum of 3 times a day and stay away from hard, sticky or chewy foods. Be sure to brush your retainer!
Call us if your appliance comes detached from your tooth or your retainer is lost or broken.
This appliance is to align your bite and teeth. You will notice a change in your bite over the next week and it will take that time to adjust to the new position.
Be gentle with the appliance! Avoid shifting your jaw back and forth or pushing on the arms with your fingers. Also avoid opening super wide.
Stay away from hard, sticky and chewy foods and brush and floss at least 3 times per day.
Call us if your Herbst becomes loose or comes apart.
Expands the upper arch to help make room for future permanent teeth and/or to help correct bite discrepancies.
Avoid eating sticky, hard or chewy foods or playing with the appliance with your tongue or fingers.
Brush and floss your teeth and appliance for a minimum of 3 minutes at least 3 times a day.
If your appliance becomes loose or broken, please call the office.
This simple appliance does an important job of saving space in the lower arch to help make room for future erupting permanent teeth. No adjustments are necessary.
We will check your lingual arch regularly and it will remain in the mouth until your permanent teeth have erupted.
Avoid hard, sticky and chewy foods. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth and appliance.